Who Are We?

MSO (Missouri Staff Organization) is the recognized union of the associate staff who work for Missouri NEA. MPSO (Missouri Professional Staff Organization) is the recognized union of the professional staff who work for Missouri NEA. Both staff unions have a bargained contract with Missouri NEA, and that contract affords us inherent rights and responsibilities. We work hard to preserve our rights and uphold our contact language. When a violation occurs, we utilize the grievance and/or arbitration process ourlined in our contracts. These are our union rights, which we have collectively bargained.

The purpose of the MSO-MPSO Blog is to accomplish the following:
(1) Keep the members of both unions (MSO and MPSO) informed of important issues, concerns and events that affect us.
(2) Provide other interested parties a place to find more information about the staff unions' issues, concerns and events, as well as the staff unions' perspectives.
(3) Provide a forum for both members and other interested parties to share thoughts and ideas about MSO and MPSO issues, concerns and events listed on this blog.

We ask that all posts are respectful and refrain from using profanity. Thank you for your interest!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Reprimand Arbitration
The Reprimand Arbitration was held on October 24th.  This was the case where one of our members received a reprimand and MNEA did not follow the contractual process when issuing her that reprimand.  The arbitrator's decision is expected toward the end of the year.

MNEA and MSO have agreed to sit down with a mediator to deal with the many outstanding issues regarding bullying.  MSO has several grievances pending around this issue and MNEA had issued discipline to some of our members.  It became clear that this was becoming a big issue and needed to be resolved. We agreed that some changes need to be made so things like this can be handled more positively in the future.   Both sides agreed to suspend all pending grievances and discipline while working through mediation.  In addition, we are also hoping that mediation will also lead to some type of mechanism for working on relationships, norms and the morale at headquarters.  Mediation dates are set for November 14th and December 2nd.  We will keep you informed!